My research into the First Doctor’s costume continues with Series Two.
Until putting this together I hadn’t picked up on The Doctor continuing to wear a cloak he purloined from Revolutionary France at the end of the previous series.
I guess I’ve been watching random stories out of sequence, and hadn’t seen
The Reign Of Terror that often due to the missing episodes.
Planet of Giants
Waistcoat Cream vertically striped tapestry, with four pockets
Shirt White wing-collar design
Tie Navy blue silk cravat, tied in a large bow
Trousers High waisted, bold grey windowpane hound’s-tooth design wool
Shoes Black spats shoes
Cloak Ankle-length cloak with large collar, clasped with a chain
NB: The Doctor does not wear his coat, as he left it in France! He does, however, wear the cloak he traded for it and wears a monocle on a black silk ribbon around his neck
The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Coat Three-quarter length black double breasted coat
Waistcoat Cream vertically striped tapestry, with four pockets
Shirt White wing-collar design
Tie Navy blue silk cravat, tied in a large bow
Trousers High waisted, bold grey windowpane hound’s-tooth design wool
Shoes Black spats shoes
NB: Despite leaving his coat in revolutionary France, The Doctor has it back again!
He also wears a monocle on a black silk ribbon around his neck, which he uses in Episode 2: - The Daleks
Episode: 1 -
World’s End
the Doctor briefly uses his glasses while searching the warehouse
Episode: 2 - The Daleks
Episode: 3 - Day of Reckoning
While being prepared for RoboMan conversion, The Doctor’s jacket is removed
Episode: 4 - The End of Tomorrow
The Doctor does not appear due to William Hartnell being injured on set during the filming of episode 3
Episode: 5 - The Waking Ally
William Hartnell walks with a stick (not his usual prop) probably while he was recovering from his injury during the filming of episode 3
The Rescue
Coat Three-quarter length black double breasted coat
Waistcoat Cream vertically striped tapestry, with four pockets
Shirt White wing-collar design
Tie Gingham cravat, tied in a large bow
Trousers High waisted, bold grey windowpane hound’s-tooth design wool
Shoes Black spats shoes
Episode: 1 - There Powerful Enemy
The episode opens with The Doctor not wearing his coat. You can clearly see his fob watch hanging on a short length of ribbon from his waistcoat pocket
The Doctor also uses his glasses again in this episode
The Romans
Opening scene of
episode 1 - The Slave Traders
Coat Three-quarter length black double breasted coat
Waistcoat Cream vertically striped tapestry, with four pockets
Shirt White wing-collar design
Tie Gingham cravat, tied in a large bow
Trousers High waisted, bold grey windowpane hound’s-tooth design wool
Shoes Black spats shoes
NB: For the rest of the entire story, The Doctor and his companions are in Roman civilian attire
The Web Planet
Coat Three-quarter length black double breasted coat
Waistcoat Dark honeycomb pattern with black piped edge and two pockets
NB This is the only story this waistcoat appears in
Shirt White wing-collar design
Tie Gingham cravat, tied in a large bow
NB The cravat becomes untied during most of episode 2
Trousers High waisted, bold grey windowpane hound’s-tooth design wool
Shoes Black spats shoes
NB: He also wears a monocle on a black silk ribbon around his neck
Episode: 1 - The Web Planet, 2 - The Zarbi
The Doctor wears a protective coat and hat to venture onto the planet surface
The Crusade
Coat Three-quarter length black double breasted coat
Waistcoat Cream vertically striped tapestry, with four pockets
Shirt White wing-collar design
Tie Navy blue silk cravat, tied in a large bow
Trousers High waisted, bold grey windowpane hound’s-tooth design wool
Shoes Black spats shoes
Episode: 1 - The Lion
The Doctor also wears his black cloak, first seen in
An Unearthly Child
Episode: 3 - The Wheel of Fortune,
4 - The Warlords
The Doctor goes in disguise as a Crusader
The Space Museum
Coat Three-quarter length black double breasted coat
Waistcoat Cream vertically striped tapestry, with four pockets
Shirt White wing-collar design
Tie Navy blue silk cravat, tied in a large bow
Trousers High waisted, bold grey windowpane hound’s-tooth design wool
Shoes Black spats shoes
NB: He also wears a monocle on a black silk ribbon around his neck
Episode: 1 - The Space Museum

The episode opens with The Doctor and his companions still wearing their Crusaders dress from the previous episode.
Miraculously during a cut-away their clothes change to modern attire. Ian remarks upon it, only for The Doctor to shrug it off, saying it has saved them time having to change!
Episode: 3 - The Search
The Doctor does not appear in the episode due to William Hartnell being on holiday
The Chase
Coat Three-quarter length black double breasted coat
Waistcoat Cream vertically striped tapestry, with four pockets
Shirt White wing-collar design
Tie Navy blue silk cravat, tied in a large bow
Trousers High waisted, bold grey windowpane hound’s-tooth design wool
Shoes Black spats shoes
NB: He also wears a monocle on a black silk ribbon around his neck
Episode: 1 - The Executioners
The Doctor uses his glasses and his panama hat as briefly worn in
The Daleks
Episode: 3 - Flight Through Eternity
The Doctor does not wear his jacket for the episode
Episode: 5 - The Death of Doctor Who, 6 - The Planet Of Decision
The Doctor carries his walking stick as first used in
Marco Polo
The Time Meddler
Coat Three-quarter length black double breasted coat
Waistcoat Cream vertically striped tapestry, with four pockets
Shirt White wing-collar design
Tie Navy blue silk cravat, tied in a large bow
Trousers High waisted, bold grey hound’s-tooth design wool
Shoes Black spats shoes
Episode: 1 - The Watcher
The Doctor wear his original cloak from
An Unearthly Child
Episode: 2 - The Meddling Monk
The Doctor does not appear in the episode due to William Hartnell being on holiday
Episode: 4 - Checkmate
The Doctor dons a monk’s habit to go in disguise at the monastery